Ways to Serve

At SPBC Fort Worth there are numerous ways to serve here (in our church), near (in our community), and far (regionally and internationally). One way to find opportunities is to check out the bulletin handed out at the worship service each week. Our bulletin usually highlights ways to serve. There are exciting ministry opportunities in our church, community, and around the world. We would love to see you experience the joy of collaborating with us as we take the gospel here, near, and far. See below for some of our upcoming missions’ opportunities. If you have further questions, make sure to send us a message or give us a call.

 Upcoming Missions Opportunities



SPBCKids is our ministry to children (PK-5th grade) on Wednesday nights during the Crowley ISD school year. We are always in need of helpers /volunteers. Contact the church office for more information. 





  South Park Church-Wide Mission Trip 

Our 2016 Churchwide mission trip to Albuquerque was a success! We got to work with BMAA Missionary /Church Planter, Anthony Pennington in Southwest Albuquerque, New Mexico. While we were there we had the opportunity to build relationships with people and share the Gospel in two languages (English & Spanish). We hope to do it again in the future!






BMAA Missions –Philippines

The Kakilala family is one of the missionary families our church supports. Bro. Filemon, his wife Lisa and their daughter Justine are members of SPBC Fort   Worth. Please continue praying for them as they spread the word of God. To learn more about what they and other BMAA missionaries are doing around the world, pick up a missionaries calendar from the foyer.  


Church Visitation

Every Tuesday from 6:30 PM -8:30 PM a group of church members go out to visit with people that have visited SPBC, or are homebound or in the hospital. Contact the church office for more information.



Christian Community Assistance  

SPBC partners with Christian Community Assitance to provide assistance through their Food Pantry, Clothing Distribution Center, Parolee Program, and Life Skills Program. For more information on what they do or to volunteer, please contact them at 817.921.9622.